KidsLab 4m
For over a decade 4M brand, toys have delighted customers and delivered ever-more creative, innovative, high quality products that make learning fun.
- Innovating, education and creating opportunities for children to develop positive curiosity and learn through exploration;
- Discovering, designing and manufacturing exciting, safe ways to involve children in meaningful play experiences;
- Putting quality and safety above all;
- Incorporating social values and green awareness into our educational products;
- Demonstrating heartfelt care towards our employees, stakeholders, children, parents and teachers worldwide
Dig a glow Dinosaur - from an egg
Dinosaur egg with digging tool, dig away the earth to find a hidden glow dino...
Dinosaur Dig a Dinosaur Skeleton Brachiosaurus
Try your skills at Palaeontology and dig out your own Brontosaur Dinosaur ske...